Elunit - BioSmart ( two channel force measuring amplifier with electronic stimulator ) , Belgrade, Serbia , devices for research
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October 2010.


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"The successful cooperation of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine with the company Elunit last for many years. Elunit has produced most of the devices used in the laboratory department of pharmacological and physiological studies on preparations of mammalian or parasitic nematodes and trematodes. Some of advantages that Elunit provides are: being able to quickly modify the system components depending on the specifics of the experiment, as well as fast and efficient maintenance."
       Prof.Dr. Saša Trailović

       Faculty of Veterinary       Medicine, Belgrade


Srpski  English

BioSmart - two channel force measuring amplifier with electronic stimulator

BioSMART is a system for measurement and system management in physiological and pharmacological experiments with isolated animal organs. It is a computer-based product, which include a harmonized combination of software and hardware. Simple graphic – oriented interface provides acquisition in real time, analysis and data storage, as well as control of the output parameters. The system consists of with an electronic device controlled by PC and software application. System is composed of the limit gauge chain and the conduct chain : isometric transducer – converter – programmable impulse stimulator – user interface for PC. Two models with different amplitudes of stimulation signals were manufactured - BioSmart 50 ( 50v/1A) and Bio Smart ( 130V/300mA). The parameters of stimulation can be changed, upon customer's request.


Isometric transducer:

-force range 0-10g (max 50g)
amplifier / converter:
- two channel
- adjustable gain
- resolution A/D 10-bit

Electronic stimulator:

- two channel
- max. output voltage 50 (130) V
- Output current, max 1 A ( 300 mA)
- frequency 0.2-1000Hz (3,1-1000Hz)
- pulse width 0.1ms-4.5s (0,005-325ms)
- pulse period 0,2-10s
- duration of pulse train/pause 1-10-900s
- communication RS232, USB
- power supply AC 220V, 50Hz



- continuous measurement
- archiving, printing
- numerical processing (statistics,filtration)
- analysis (markers, zoom, cursor...)
Command and control:
- pulse control parameters (amplitude, duration, frequency)
- pulse type (continuous series of pulses,
continuous mode, train pulses mode)
- control valves for tissue water bath

Electronic stimulator

Electronic stimulator

BioSmart software:

Blood pressure software