Elunit - Electronic VonFrey analgesiometer , Belgrade, Serbia , devices for research
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October 2010.


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"The successful cooperation of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine with the company Elunit last for many years. Elunit has produced most of the devices used in the laboratory department of pharmacological and physiological studies on preparations of mammalian or parasitic nematodes and trematodes. Some of advantages that Elunit provides are: being able to quickly modify the system components depending on the specifics of the experiment, as well as fast and efficient maintenance."
       Prof.Dr. Saša Trailović

       Faculty of Veterinary       Medicine, Belgrade


Srpski  English

Electronic VonFrey analgesiometer

Electronic VonFrey analgesiometer is a device that measures the strength of sensitization on the surface soft tissues (skin, subcutaneous tissue) animal or human.

VonFrey analgesiometer
It consists of:
  1. electronic console with display
  2. mechanical probe with adapter for filament
  3. staddle of plexiglass for mechanical probe
  4. key switch with cable
  5. Driver eVonFrey
The device is designed for the measurement of somatic inflammatory pain in the test inflammatory hyperalgesia, as well as the severity of neuropathic pain in an assay of neuropathic hyperalgesia in experimental animals or in humans. Pressure filament mechanical probe to the surface of a certain body part animal (human) which causes pain is expressed in grams (g). The range of measurement is from 0 to 400g (max 500g). VonFrey device is easily portable (total weight 650g), has the possibility of autonomous work, or using the computer and the driver eVonFrey.

VonFrey software